Method | Return type | Description |
starred assets liabilities revenues expenses income equity | accounts drop | Filters the accounts and returns a new accounts drop with only these accounts. |
count | integer | the amount of account drops in the accounts drop. |
credit_value | decimal | The sum of all credit values for all accounts in this accounts drop for this period. |
debit_value | decimal | The sum of all debit values for all accounts in this accounts drop for this period. |
details (deprecated) | details drop | A details drop of all details of all selected accounts. |
first | account drop | returns the first account drop of the accounts drop. |
include_zeros | accounts drop | By default an accounts drop doesn't include accounts with a zero balance. Calling include_zeros returns an accounts drop that includes all accounts. |
name | string | Returns the name of the first account in this drop. |
opening_value | decimal | The sum of all opening values for all accounts in this accounts drop for this period. |
p_and_l_rounding_difference bs_rounding_difference | decimal | When using the core rounding functionality, these methods will display the exact rounding difference. |
p_and_l_rounding_account bs_rounding_account | accounts drop | Returns the account drop where the rounding difference is stored. |
return_values_in_millions | accounts drop | The values of the account drops in the created accounts drop will be shown in millions. |
return_values_in_ones | accounts drop | The values of the account drops in the created accounts drop will be shown in ones. |
return_values_in_thousands | accounts drop | The values of the account drops in the created accounts drop will be shown in thousands. |
value | decimal | The sum of all values for all accounts in this accounts drop for this period. |
Starred, assets, liabilities, revenues, expenses, income, equity
Create accounts drop with group of accounts:
{% for account in period.accounts.expenses %}
{{ account.number }}
{{ account.asset_or_expense }}
{{ }}
{% endfor %}
Create string with group of accounts:
{{ period.accounts.expenses | map:"number" | join:"," }}
Create accounts drop with group of accounts: 61120 true 19327110 61140 true 19327111 … Create string with group of accounts: 61120,61140,61300,61320,61321,61520,618001,618002,61810,61900,61910,61920,61930,61940,63000,65900,694000
count, credit value, debit value
Show sum of all requested accounts:
{{ period.accounts.count }}
{{ period.accounts.credit_value }}
{{ period.accounts.debit_value }}
Show all requested accounts separately :
{% for account in period.accounts %}
{{ account.credit_value }}
{% endfor %}
Show sum of all requested accounts: Count : 34 Credit value : -1328589.47 Debit value : 1328589.47 Show value of the requested accounts separately : -18600.0 -500.0 -1000.0
Return values in thousands, return_values_in_ones, return_values_in_thousands
{% capture header %}|-----|-----|-----:{% newline %}{% endcapture %}
{% assign accounts = #619 %}
{% stripnewlines %}
{{ header }}
{% for account in accounts.return_values_in_millions %}
|{{ account.number }}
|{{ }}
|{{ account.value | currency }}{% newline %}
{% endfor %}
{{ header }}
{% for account in accounts.return_values_in_ones %}
|{{ account.number }}
|{{ }}
|{{ account.value | currency }}{% newline %}
{% endfor %}
{{ header }}
{% for account in accounts.return_values_in_thousands %}
|{{ account.number }}
|{{ }}
|{{ account.value | currency }}{% newline %}
{% endfor %}
{% endstripnewlines %}
Special method: range
It's possible to add any given range of account numbers to created a new accounts drop with only those accounts.
For example:
will return an accounts drop with only the accounts that have an account number starting with a 6
Rounding difference and account
Show rounding difference:
Rounding difference P&L: {{ period.accounts.p_and_l_rounding_difference }}
Rounding difference BS: {{ period.accounts.bs_rounding_difference }}
Show rounding account:
P&L rounding difference account: {{ period.accounts.p_and_l_rounding_account.number }}
BS rounding difference account: {{ period.accounts.bs_rounding_account.number }}
Updated over 2 years ago
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