HTML tables

Due to the limitations of markdown tables (e.g. repeating headers, vertical alignment, padding issues, etc.), HTML tables have been introduced.

The move to HTML tables will also ensure that exported pdf’s are consistent with web versions.

HTML tables can be perfectly combined in a template together with markdown tables.

Each specific HTML element and HTML class is enabled by our core developers. As such it is currently not possible to access all elements and classes within the HTML layer of Silverfin.

Supported HTML tags and attributes

The following HTML tags are currently supported.

TagDefinitionAllowed Attributes
<table>HTML table
<thead>The <thead> tag is used to group header content in an HTML table.
<tbody>The <tbody> tag is used to group the body content in an HTML table.
<tr>Table row
<th>Table headercolspan
<td>Table data cellcolspan

HTML Table basic structure

<table class="">
      <th class="">content</th>
      <th class="">content</th>
      <td class="">content</td>
      <td class="">content</td>

Supported HTML table classes

HTML classes are used to add styling to certain elements in our table.

These classes are named with the prefix usr-. It is not possible to create new custom classes.

Please find a list of supported classes below:

ClassesDescriptionAllowed elementsSyntax
HTML table widthA class to set the width of table as a whole and/or your columns individually.<table>/<th>/<td>usr-width-1 → usr-width-100
HTML table text alignmentHorizontal text alignment / Vertical text alignment / Justify text alignment<th>/<td>usr-align-right
HTML table borderedIt sets all borders for the whole table and adds style to the header. Equivalent to using "#" in a markdown table<table>usr-bordered
HTML table bordersSet borders for the side of a cell or a table<table>/<th>/<td>usr-line-top
HTML table cell border colorSet border color for a table cell.
(Only visible in preview or export)
<th>/<td>usr-border-color-<color hex>
HTML table cell background colorSet background colour for a table cell.
(Only visible in preview of export)
<th>/<td>usr-background-color-<color hex>
HTML table indentationSet indentation for the cell<th>/<td>usr-indent-1 → usr-indent-10
HTML table repeated headerWhen the template is exported in pdf and the table takes more than one page, the whole <thead> section will be repeated on top of each page. This has no effect in the input view in Silverfin<thead>usr-repeated-header
HTML hide header on same pageMakes sure the header is skipped when a new table starts on the same page as the previous table but is added again (and repeated) when a new page starts<thead>usr-hide-samepage-header
HTML table grayed-out backgroundAdds a grayed-out, disabled look. Does not actually disable any inputs. Only works in input<th>/<td>usr-grayed-out-background-input
HTML table grayed-out bottom linesGray bottom lines to improve readability on wide templates. Only works in input<th>/<td>usr-grayed-out-line-bottom-input

HTML table width

  • The usr-width class is used to define the width of the table/column
  • Table width can be set within the range of 1% to 100% of the total page width
  • Column widths can be set between 1% and 100% of table width
  • Column widths must total 100% of table width
  • A single column width can be left blank, in which case the remaining % automatically be applied
<table class="usr-width-75">
      <th class="usr-width-25">Header 25%</th>
      <th>Header remainding %</th>
      <th class="usr-width-25">Header 25%</th>
      <td class="">content 25%</td>
      <td class="">content remainding%</td>
      <td class="">content 25%</td>

HTML table text alignment

The usr-align classes are used to format the table layout.

<table class="usr-width-50">
      <th class="usr-align-left">Table header text left</th>
      <th class="usr-align-right">Table header text right</th>
      <td class="usr-align-right">Table data content right</td>
      <td class="usr-align-left">Table data content left</td>
      <td class="usr-align-left">Table data content left</td>
      <td class="usr-align-right">Table data content right</td>
      <td class="usr-align-justify">Table data content - the text in this column is justified</td>
      <td class="usr-align-center">Table data content - the text in this column is is centered</td>

HTML table bordered

The usr-bordered class automatically adds borders to the entire table.

<table class="usr-bordered usr-width-100">
      <th>Bordered table header</th>
      <th>Bordered table header</th>
      <td>Bordered table content</td>
      <td>Bordered table content</td>

HTML table borders

To manually set the borders of an HTML table use the usr-line-left or usr-double-line classes

      <th class="usr-line-bottom usr-line-top usr-line-left usr-line-right">content</th>
      <th class="usr-double-line-bottom usr-double-line-top usr-line-left usr-line-right">content</th>
      <td class="usr-line-left usr-line-right">content</td>
      <td class="usr-line-bottom usr-line-left usr-line-right">content</td>

HTML table cell border color

The usr-border-color class allows you to add a color to the border of the cell.
This color is only visible when you view the template in preview mode, e.g. in the Review screen or when you export the template as PDF.

<table class="usr-width-100 usr-bordered">
  <thead class="">
      <th class="usr-border-color-9575cd">Title 1</th>
      <th class="usr-border-color-cddaef">Title 2</th>
      <td class="usr-border-color-ee2a8e">Content 1</td>
      <td class="usr-border-color-fa7129">Content 2</td>


Only bordered tables can have colors on the cell borders.


HTML table cell background color

The usr-background-color class allows you to add a color to the background of the cell.
This color is only visible when you view the template in preview mode, e.g. in the Review screen or when you export the template as PDF.

<table class="usr-width-100">
  <thead class="">
      <th class="usr-background-color-9575cd">Title 1</th>
      <th class="usr-background-color-cddaef">Title 2</th>
      <td class="usr-background-color-ee2a8e">Content 1</td>
      <td class="usr-background-color-fa7129">Content 2</td>

HTML table indentation

The usr-indent class is used to add indentation within our table

      <th>Header 1</th>
      <th>Header 2</th>
      <td class="usr-indent-4">content indented 4</td>
      <td class="usr-indent-9">content indented 9</td>

HTML table repeated header (sticky header)

If you have a long table that will span multiple pages you can use the usr-repeated-header class to ensure that headers are repeated at the top of each page in PDF to help with readability. On the Silverfin platform the header will become "sticky" and stay on the screen when you scroll down.

  <thead class="usr-repeated-header">
      <th>Header 1</th>
      <th>Header 2</th>
      <td>Page 1 content</td>
      <td>Page 1 content</td>
Output page 1

Output page 2

HTML hide header on same page

The class usr-hide-samepage-header allows us to split tables, while ensuring the header is skipped when the new table starts on the same page as the previous table, but is added again (and repeated) when a new page starts.

  <thead class="usr-repeated-header usr-hide-samepage-header">
      <th>Header 1</th>
      <th>Header 2</th>
      <td>Page 1 content</td>
      <td>Page 1 content</td>

A case on how to use this new class, can be found here.

HTML table grayed-out background

The class usr-grayed-out-background-input can be added to the cells in your HTML table to give off a disabled grayed-out look. This can be useful e.g. on columns with comparative figures.

<table class="usr-width-100">
  <thead class="">
      <th class=""><b>Current year header</b></th>
      <th class="usr-grayed-out-background-input"><b>Previous year header</b></th>
      <td class="">Current year value</td>
      <td class="usr-grayed-out-background-input">Previous year value</td>

HTML table grayed-out bottom lines

The class usr-grayed-out-line-bottom-input can be added to the cells in your HTML table to add faint bottom lines. The aim of this class to increase readability by making it more obvious which values on the left belong to which values on the right of wide tables.

<table class="usr-width-100">
  <thead class="">
      <th class="usr-grayed-out-line-bottom-input"><b>Current year header</b></th>
      <th class="usr-grayed-out-background-input usr-grayed-out-line-bottom-input"><b>Previous year header</b></th>
      <td class="usr-grayed-out-line-bottom-input">Current year value</td>
      <td class="usr-grayed-out-background-input usr-grayed-out-line-bottom-input">Previous year value</td>
      <td class="usr-grayed-out-line-bottom-input">Current year value 2</td>
      <td class="usr-grayed-out-background-input usr-grayed-out-line-bottom-input">Previous year value 2</td>


Wide vs narrow templates

If you're dealing with templates and tables that only use a couple of columns, you may want to change to a more narrow input view to increase readability. You can do so in the settings of your custom template. Click here for more info.