Method | Return type | Description |
address_1 | string | The first address line. |
address_2 | string | The second address line. |
amount_of_shares | integer | The amount of shares the person has. |
amount_of_votes | integer | The amount of shares the person has. |
custom | custom drop | A way to attach custom information to a person. |
director | boolean | Returns true if the person is a director. |
director_end_date | date | The end date of the mandate of the person. |
director_start_date | date | The start date of the mandate of the person. |
string | The email address of the person. | |
external_id | string | The id from the synchronisation service. |
name | string | The name of the person. |
persistent_id | string | The unique identifier for the person. |
shareholder | boolean | Returns true if the person is a shareholder. |
statutory | boolean | Returns true if the role is statutory. |
address_1, address_2
{% for person in period.people %}
Address 1 : {{ person.address_1 }}
Address 2 :{{ person.address_2 }}
{% endfor %}
or : {{ period.people.first.address_1 }}
{{ period.people.first.address_2 }}
Address 1 : Teststraat 1 Address 2 : 9000 Gent or: Teststraat 1 9000 Gent
amount_of_shares, amount_of_votes
{% for person in period.people %}
Person {{ forloop.index }} : {{ person.amount_of_shares }}
Person {{ forloop.index }} : {{ person.amount_of_votes }}
{% endfor %}
or : {{ period.people.first.amount_of_shares }}
{{ period.people.first.amount_of_votes }}
Person 1 : 300 Person 1 : 5000 Person 2 : 10 Person 2 : 1 ... or: 300 5000
{% for person in period.people %}
{% input person.custom.test %}
{{ person.custom.test }}
{% endfor %}

Input as:file
It is important to mention that documents cannot be stored in a custom drop when it is linked to the people drop; something that is possible for certain other drops (e.g. company drop). As a result, the following logic cannot be used in Silverfin and will result in an error when trying to upload a file.
{% fori people in period.people %}
{% input %} {% input people.custom.attachment as:file %}
{% endfori %}
{% for person in period.people %}
Person {{ forloop.index }}: {{ person.director }}
{% endfor %}
or: {{ period.people.first.director }}
Person 1: true Person 2: false ... or: true
director_end_date, director_start_date
{% for person in period.people %}
Person {{ forloop.index }}: {{ person.director_end_date }}
Person {{ forloop.index }}: {{ person.director_start_date }}
{% endfor %}
or: {{ period.people.first.director_end_date }}
{{ period.people.first.director_start_date }}
Person 1: 2020-12-31 Person 1: 2000-01-01 Person 2: 2011-01-31 Person 2: 2011-01-01 ... or: 2020-12-31 2000-01-01
e-mail, external_id, name
{% for person in period.people %}
Person {{ forloop.index }}: {{ }}
Person {{ forloop.index }}: {{ person.external_id }}
Person {{ forloop.index }}: {{ person.custom.first_name }}
Person {{ forloop.index }}: {{ person.custom.last_name }}
{% endfor %}
Person 1: [email protected] Person 1: 0.0 Person 1: Michael Person 1: Jordan Person 2: [email protected] Person 2: 0.0 Person 2: Scottie Person 2: Pippen ...
When an external_id is available for a person, then the persistent_id will begin with "external-", otherwise it begins with "internal-".
Check out this case to learn more about why we introduced the persistent_id to replace the id.
{% for person in period.people %}
{{ }}: {{ person.persistent_id }}
{% endfor %}
Harry: external-3126163 John: internal-3126162 Tom: internal-3125284
shareholder, statutory
{% for person in period.people %}
Person {{ forloop.index }}: {{ person.shareholder }}
Person {{ forloop.index }}: {{ person.statutory }}
{% endfor %}
or : {{ period.people.first.shareholder }}
{{ period.people.first.statutory }}
Person 1: true Person 1: false Person 2: true Person 2: false ... or: true false
Updated almost 2 years ago