Navigation screens
Video outline
Throughout your Silverfin experience you will be hearing a lot about the different screens or views that the platform has, so it’s important to get a clear picture of this hierarchy.
The first thing we will see when we access Silverfin is the so called Firm Level which contains all the other sections.
We can compare this to a root folder in a directory, so essentially this is gonna be our parent view.
Below this view, we have the company level which is the particular page for each of your clients, and then within each client we are gonna have different modules called workflows such as your Annual Accounts, Corporation Tax and so on.
Finally within those workflows we will have the ability to create templates that are built in liquid. We will see that this templates are going to be divided into 2 categories: Reconciliation and Account templates but we will learn more about those 2 in the next videos.
Firm level
It’s very important to understand that here is where we have the list of all our templates. For those who are not familiar with Silverfin yet a template is simply a document we are going to build in liquid code and then use in our accounts production or working papers. So in this view we have the ability to see, create and edit those templates. We don’t have to create an individual template for each client, instead we create them here at Firm level and then apply them to the different companies from our portfolio.
Here we can also see an overview of all our clients and get some useful insights. As mentioned before, in this level we are going to be able to control some advanced settings and templates that are common to my clients. In essence we modify something once with this change affecting multiple clients at the same time.
Company level
After we select a client from the previous shown list, we will find ourselves on the Company Level’s main screen.
Here we have some important information such as:
- the name of the company we are in;
- the selected period (this could be a quarter or a year depending on the frequency of your client file);
- then we have a summary of the figures from the Client’s Balance Sheet and Income Statement;
- and finally at the bottom we can see an overview of the progress of different modules or workflows that have been added for this particular client.
We can click on one of this modules to get access to it. What we see here is an organised list of the templates that have been added to this particular workflow, these modules can be customised and have a mix of different templates together with the Trial Balance.
Liquid editor
In the next few videos you will be learning some basic liquid concepts. When you are ready to practice you will start using the liquid editor which is the place where you write your code. Because of our human nature we are likely to make some mistakes, so in order to check that the code works as expected we will need to have a look at the input view which is where see the result of our code after being rendered. As you can see on this example, we have a snippet of liquid code on the left and the result of this code once it’s been printed or rendered on the right. We will be explaining how to access this different screens in the next videos but for now it’s important to understand the difference between them.
Updated almost 4 years ago