Template types: reconciliation templates

Video outline


Reconciliation templates are templates that display information that is linked to a period but not linked to one specific account.

We use this type of template to display financial data for a certain period coming from several accounts in the underlying trial balance in one place.

A good example of a reconciliation template is for instance an overview of all fixed assets of a company in a certain period. Those assets would be booked on several accounts in the trial balance and we use the reconciliation template to visualize the information coming from those multiple accounts.

A reconciliation template has a unique identifier that we call a handle. The handle allows us to connect certain information across different templates. When naming the handle only use downcase and never spaces but underscores instead.

How to create?

  • You are going to start from the template overview on firm level.
  • Navigate to the reconciliations section and click on add custom reconciliation.
  • This will take you to a new page where you can define all relevant information for the reconciliation such as the name in multiple languages and the handle, and of course also the liquid editor where you can start writing the code.
  • After you have created your reconciliation template you will want to see what it looks like and add it to the workflow of a company. You can do that by navigating to the company level and a specific workflow and by clicking the “add reconciliation” button via “actions”. A window will pop up with all templates that can be added. Templates that are already in that workflow will be greyed out.