Method | Return type | Description |
count | integer | The amount of person drops in the people drop. |
first | person drop | Returns the person drop of the first person in the people drop. |
Special drops
Drop | Description |
Directors | A people drop with only the directors. |
Shareholders | A people drop with only the shareholders. |
count: {{ period.people.count }}
first: {{ period.people.first }}
directors: {{ period.directors.count }}
shareholders: {{ period.shareholders.count }}
Directors filters
Filter | Description |
active_as_director | Filter the directors which are active during the current bookyear. |
active_as_director_on | Filter the directors which are active in a specific date. |
{% assign active_directors_bookyear = period.directors.active_as_director %}
{% for person in active_directors_bookyear %}
{{ }}
{% endfor %}
{% assign active_directors_today = period.directors | active_as_director_on:'today' %}
{% for person in active_directors_today %}
{{ }}
{% endfor %}
Updated almost 3 years ago