Video outline
Operators are used to define a range, scope or limitation, just like a mathematical equation.
Control flow tags create conditions that decided whether blocks of code should be executed and they can be used to test or compare a result.
What operators can be used in liquid:
Name | Use | Symbol |
Equal | Check if two values are the same | == |
Difference | Check if two values are different | != |
Greater than | Check if the value on the left side is larger than the value on the right side | > |
Greater than or equal | Check if the value on the left side is larger or equal than the value on the right side | >= |
Smaller than | Check if the value on the right side is larger than the value on the left side | < |
Smaller than or equal | Check if the value on the right side is larger or equal than the value on the left side | <= |
Or | Combine two or more of the above operators. | or |
And | Combine two or more of the above operators | and |
Contains | Check if a given string is part of a another string | contains |
In this example if blank is equal to or greater or the same or different than 10:
{% if == 10 %}We are the same as 10{% endif %}
{% if != 10 %}We are different from 10{% endif %}
{% if > 10 %}greater than 10{% endif %}
{% if <= 10 %}greater than or equal to 10{% endif %}
{% if < 10 %}smaller than 10{% endif %}
{% if <= 10 %}smaller than or equal to 10{% endif %}
If the equation meets it will print out the text that’s following afterwards
In this second example we want to check if an input field is showing profitability or not.
{% if input custom.pl.check default:1 %}
**Are we profitable?**
{% if custom.pl.check > 0 %}Profitable
{% else %}Loss{% endif %}
- Operators are used to define a range, scope or limitation
- Operators are used to compare values. In combination with control flow tags you can put some logic in your coding
Equal than ==
Remember we use a double-equal sign to show that we’re checking a value, rather than setting it equal to something, like we would with a variable.
Updated about 3 years ago