A company drop contains information about the current file.
Method | Return type | Description |
---|---|---| (deprecated) | string | The name of a mapping list. | (deprecated) | string | the id of the mapping list on firm level |
account_mapping_list.marketplace_template_id (deprecated) | string | the id of the mapping list on partner level |
analytical_type_(0..x)_codes | drop | Contains information about dimensions/companies in an analytical/consolidation file. |
city | string | The city from the company settings. |
company_form | string | The company form from the company settings. |
company_type | string | The type from the company settings. |
country | string | The country from the company settings. |
country_code | string | The country code based upon the country from the company settings. |
currency | string | The currency code from the company settings. |
custom | drop | A way to attach custom information to a company, independent of the period. |
file_code | string | The file number from the company settings. |
first_name | string | !Personal files only! (Feature flagged) The first name from the company settings. |
last_name | string | !Personal files only! (Feature flagged) The last name from the company settings. |
locales | array | Available languages for the company. |
name | string | The company name from the company settings. |
national_insurance_number | string | !Personal files only! (Feature flagged) The national insurance number from the company settings. |
periods_per_year | integer | Returns 1,4,12 depending on the reporting frequency (yearly, quarterly or monthly). |
postalcode | string | The post code from the company settings. |
street | string | The street from the company settings. |
vat_identifier | string | The vat identifier from the company settings. |
{% stripnewlines %}
{% newline %}
|City:|{{ }}
{% newline %}
|Company_form:|{{ company.company_form }}
{% newline %}
|Company_country:|{{ }}
{% newline %}
|Company_country_code:|{{ company.country_code }}
{% newline %}
|Company_custom_field:|{% input %}
{% newline %}
|Company_file_code:|{{ company.file_code }}
{% newline %}
|Company_locales:|{{ company.locales | append:"," }}
{% newline %}
|Company_name:|{{ }}
{% newline %}
|Company_street:|{{ company.street }}
{% newline %}
|Company_vat_identifier:|{{ company.vat_identifier }}
{% newline %}
|Company_type:|{{ company.company_type }}
{% endstripnewlines %}
Updated over 1 year ago