
How to style your text?

Learn how to make your text bold, change the font size, add tables and align your text.


BoldUsed to put text in bold** Text **
ItalicUsed to put text in italic* Text *
UnderlinedUsed to underline text_ Text _
CombinationUsed to put text in bold, italic or/and underline text***_ Text _***
ListsUsed to make a list* Text (unordered)
1. Text(ordered)
Font sizeUsed to change the font size of text{::font size="xl"} Text {:/font}
Info textUsed to put text in an info text{::infotext} Text {:/infotext}
Warning textUsed to put text in a warning text{::warningtext} Text{:/warningtext}
TableUsed to put text in a table|--------|-------
Alignment of textUsed to align text on a page or in a table on a page:

in a table:
|-------- (left align)
|--------:(right align)
StripnewlinesIt removes any newline characters (line breaks) from a string. The tag newline must be used when a break within stripnewlines is needed{% stripnewlines %} {% endstripnewlines %}
{% newline %}
* IndentationUsed to add indenting to markdown on a page or in a table on a page:
{::indent level="6"}
This text is indented

in a table:
|--> indented more


By placing two asterixes symbols before and after a word or sentence, it will appear in bold.

**General meeting**
General meeting


By placing one asterixes symbol before and after a word or sentence, it will appear in italic.

*General meeting*
General meeting


By placing one underscore before and after a word or sentence, it will be underlined.

_General meeting_
General meeting


It is possible to combine two or more of the stylings above.

_***General meeting***_
General meeting



The list items will be marked with bullets (small black circles).

* Item 1
* Item 2
* Item 3
  • Item 1
  • Item 2
  • Item 3


The list items will be marked with numbers.

1. Item 1
1. Item 2
1. Item 3

1. Item 4
2. Item 5
3. Item 6
  1. Item 1
  2. Item 2
  3. Item 3
  1. Item 4
  2. Item 5
  3. Item 6

Font size

The font tag in combination with the size attribute makes it possible to adjust the size of your text. The size attribute has five possible values: xxs, xs, s, m, l and xl.

{::font size="xl"}General meeting{:/font}
General meeting

Info text

The Silverfin templating language gives the opportunity to add info text. There are 3 ways to present it: as an inline element, as a block or as a hover element.

{% ic %}{::infotext}Inline infotext to be used inside tables{:/infotext}{% endic %}

{% ic %}{::infotext}
Standard infotext
{:/infotext}{% endic %}

{% ic %}{::infotext as="hover"}Hover infotext{:/infotext}{% endic %}


Inline info text

Inline 'infotext' are only intended to be used inside tables or where there is limited space available only, while the hover 'infotext' when it's content is relevant at a firm level. In any other situation, the standard version of the 'infotext' should be used.

Warning text

The Silverfin templating language gives the opportunity to add warning text. There are 3 ways to present it: as an inline element, as a block or as a hover element.

{% ic %}{::warningtext}Inline warningtext to be used inside tables{:/warningtext}{% endic %}

{% ic %}{::warningtext}
Standard warningtext
{:/warningtext}{% endic %}

{% ic %}{::warningtext as="hover"}Hover warningtext{:/warningtext}{% endic %}


Inline warning text

Inline 'warningtext' are only intended to be used inside tables or where there is limited space available only, while the hover 'warningtext' when it's content is relevant at a firm level. In any other situation, the standard version of the 'warningtext' should be used.


It is possible to create a table in SIlverfin templating language.

{% stripnewlines %}
| title | title {% newline %}
|--------|------- {% newline %}
| content | content {% newline %}
| content | content {% newline %}
{% endstripnewlines %}


{% newline %}

Be careful when using the newline tag. As when it is used twice a new table will be created.
An example can be found on our community

top line

{% stripnewlines %}
| title | title {% newline %}
|--------|------- {% newline %}
| content | content {% newline %}
|^Total^|^Total^ {% newline %}
{% endstripnewlines %}

bottom line

{% stripnewlines %}
| title | title {% newline %}
|--------|------- {% newline %}
| content | content {% newline %}
|_Total_|_Total_{% newline %}
{% endstripnewlines %}

double top line

{% stripnewlines %}
| title | title {% newline %}
|--------|------- {% newline %}
| content | content {% newline %}
|^^Total^^|^^Total^^{% newline %}
{% endstripnewlines %}

double bottom line

{% stripnewlines %}
| title | title {% newline %}
|--------|------- {% newline %}
| content | content {% newline %}
|__Total__|__Total__{% newline %}
{% endstripnewlines %}

vertical line (left)

{% stripnewlines %}
|--------|------- {% newline %}
|] content |] content {% newline %}
|**Total**|**Total**{% newline %}
{% endstripnewlines %}

vertical line (right)

{% stripnewlines %}
|--------|------- {% newline %}
| content [| content [{% newline %}
|**Total**|**Total**{% newline %}
{% endstripnewlines %}

The community provides a useful example of different table structures you can use.



In export, tables with 9 or more columns will be shown in landscape automatically (unless defined otherwise in the styles section in Silverfin).

Alignment of text

on a page

Alignment of text function can be used to place text in a certain part of the page, for example, title of the section.


in a table

{% stripnewlines %}
| title | title | title {% newline %}
|--------|:-------:|-------:# {% newline %}
| content | content| content {% newline %}
{% endstripnewlines %}


on a page

Indentation can be used to format information in your template by adding indenting to markdown.

{::indent level="6"}
This text is indented
{::indent level="8"}
This text is indented
{::indent level="10"}
This text is indented

in a table

{% stripnewlines %}
{% newline %}
|->indented | not indented {% newline %}
|--> indented more| not indented
{% endstripnewlines %}